Absolute Value Equations

Alright, on to absolute value equations.  Just a little bit of extra stuff to know here.  First...

Absolute Value: distance a number is from zero

Shown by |x| <== (absolute value of x)

Examples: |3| = 3, |-3| = 3

**NEVER NEGATIVE because distance is never negative, -3 is still a distance of 3 from 0**

**Not always positive because |0| = 0**


y = |x|

Make a table of values...but use the x values 0, 1, 2, -1, and -2

x  |  y
2  |  2
1  |  1
0  |  0
-1 |  1
-2 |  2

As you can see, some y values are the same for different x values.  Graphing this type of equation forms a "V" shape.  It is always symmetrical if you extend the lines, and it is good to graph many points so you can be sure to get it right, and get the "V."  If you don't get the "V" just graph more points.